Saturday, August 24, 2013


I totally forgot to mention the biggest thing from the last month.


Yep. I have a hard time actually saying that though. I'm vapeing. In other words, I'm using nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and flavoring in a personal vaporizor, ie: electronic cigarettes. I'm inhaling, I'm getting nicotine, so it's kinda hard for me to say "I quit smoking".

But that's what I did.

And it's been a month today.

It's much cheaper. Really. Even with startup costs for the hardware. I've spent about the same I would have spent on cigarettes for this month buying them the next state over. Buying them here I'm about $60 under.

My sense of smell is coming back. Honestly? This sensory girl doesn't like it. It's another thing to input and process and I get overwhelmed sometimes. I'm assuming I'll get used to it. After all, everyone smells things and they don't go crazy, right?

After leaving a really heavy meal a couple of days ago, I walked up a steep flight of parking garage steps with a friend who has been walking several miles daily, is partially jogging, doing 5k's, etc., and who is at least 75 pounds lighter than me, and I was less out of breath.

I can vape while sitting watching a movie.

Seriously, I'm loving it. It's still hard to think of myself as a "former smoker" though.

Strange the paths life throws you on, huh? 

Internal Debates

I don't know where I've been. Oh wait, I do. I went to Higher Things. I came home and then my best friend came came to visit, then another friend came to visit, and she just left.

Yep. About sums up my last month and a half or so.

Well, and The Husband and I have actually been out on dates lately. We slip away during the day and run a couple of errands and have dinner together and that's been nice. I'd forgotten what that was like. It's kinda like, oh look, hi! I know you!

So yeah, internal debate. Diet, mostly. I'm a junk food junkie. Being gluten-free is all fine and dandy, but I'm not one of those that got rid of the gluten and oh whee watch those pounds just melt away. Nope. Not me. Low carb works great for me. I know this. I've had amazing success in the past. And I skirted around Paleo/Primal long enough that I know that I really need to get the processed foods totally gone and get to eating real food.

Guess what? I hate real food.

Not hate. Hate is too strong of a word. But I've already had to give up all things gluten, and honestly? I miss it. Not bad enough to go on a gluten binge, but that's just because I have to have three weeks recovery time and very, very few things are worth that. (I do, however, have a really nice list of things that I will gorge if I get accidentally badly glutened. If I'm gonna be utterly miserable, it won't be because of some tiny cross-contamination. I'm gonna pull out all the stops. Really.) But low-carb? Meh. I want rice. I want potatoes. I want carby happiness.

So yeah, bah. Low-fat and low-calorie makes me miserable too and frankly, I don't know how I'd do that without gluten, or products that are so crazy processed to make up for the missing gluten. More bah. So low-carb it is, but I don't wanna.

So, yeah, no purpose. Just whining.