Saturday, August 24, 2013


I totally forgot to mention the biggest thing from the last month.


Yep. I have a hard time actually saying that though. I'm vapeing. In other words, I'm using nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and flavoring in a personal vaporizor, ie: electronic cigarettes. I'm inhaling, I'm getting nicotine, so it's kinda hard for me to say "I quit smoking".

But that's what I did.

And it's been a month today.

It's much cheaper. Really. Even with startup costs for the hardware. I've spent about the same I would have spent on cigarettes for this month buying them the next state over. Buying them here I'm about $60 under.

My sense of smell is coming back. Honestly? This sensory girl doesn't like it. It's another thing to input and process and I get overwhelmed sometimes. I'm assuming I'll get used to it. After all, everyone smells things and they don't go crazy, right?

After leaving a really heavy meal a couple of days ago, I walked up a steep flight of parking garage steps with a friend who has been walking several miles daily, is partially jogging, doing 5k's, etc., and who is at least 75 pounds lighter than me, and I was less out of breath.

I can vape while sitting watching a movie.

Seriously, I'm loving it. It's still hard to think of myself as a "former smoker" though.

Strange the paths life throws you on, huh? 

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